
Showing posts from July, 2021

Design vs Design Thinking

  Design vs Design Thinking I recently wrote an article entitled  " How to make the User Experience better ",   which generated significant interest and discussion. One of the commenters wrote, in part, "...functional and aesthetic design is important, but the technological innovation and the ability to implement t he ideas are even more so. The kind of design the writers are speaking of acts as a discriminator if there are competing products but do not come into play without the existence of a new product."  Design thinking definition based on Tim Brown’s ‘Change by design Definition of design thinking  Design thinking is an approach to solve complex problems in a user-centred way. It’s a hands-on approach, following a structured process to come to innovative solutions. Using an elaborate set of design tools, design thinking brings together what is desirable from a user’s point of view, technologically feasible and economically viable. Design thinking can...