
Showing posts from April, 2021

Why infographics are effective?

1. Compelling and Attractive There is one thing that I have discovered while blogging is that people love facts, figures and statistics. Add some compelling images and graphics and …” voila “, you have  addictive content ! 2. Easily Scanned and Viewed Human beings are highly visual and because 90% of the information that comes to the brain is visual you need to tap into that “optic nerve” 3. Viral Capabilities Due to infographics attractiveness, the capacity for them to be shared on social networks and become viral is much higher than ordinary text content. 4. Portable (Embeddable) When designing, developing and publishing an infographic the code to put it on a WordPress blog or website is provided as an embed code. This then creates an automatic link from their site to yours. 5. Worldwide Coverage In a world where online publishing is now visible globally at the push of a button, infographics can provide global coverage that local print media could never do. 6. Brand Awareness Cre...

Why Simple Design is the Best Design?

The simple design has certain advantages over the more complicated ones. They are easier to understand, cheaper to make, and easier to fix in case there is a need to. By keeping it short and simple, you ensure that your audience isn’t unnecessarily overwhelmed and distracted from the message that you intend to convey. Sometimes, your designs are just complicated because it’s a product of your understanding and not something which your customers would love. The moment you stop selling through your designs, your audience will stop relating with you. Apple Computers Steve Jobs, the late progenitor of Apple Computers, a visionary and a true design aficionado loved the simple design. He once told Sir Walter Isacsson, the author of his autobiography, “I love it when you can bring really great design and simple capability to something that doesn’t cost much,”.  The guiding tenet of Apple’s design aesthetic was simplicity-“It takes a lot of hard work,” Jobs said, “to make so...